Maintaining their septic system must be a top priority for any homeowner whose house utilizes a septic tank system. There are several reasons to maintain your septic system. A poorly maintained system can release pathogens, harming the environment, and creating public health problems. If you fail to maintain your septic system, things will go from bad to worse quickly. You could end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on expensive repairs.
You are responsible for ensuring that your septic system is properly maintained and repaired. Homeowners with leaking septic tanks can land in a legal soup and may be asked to pay a hefty fine. While caring for a septic system involves effort, it is not impossible. Here are some tips for maintaining your septic system year-round from Just-in-Time Septic, a licensed septic installer near you!
Have Your System Inspected Regularly
Have your septic system inspected at least once every three years by a licensed septic installer near you. Have your tank pumped once every 3-5 years (as recommended by the inspector). Alternative systems with pumps, electric float switches, or mechanical components must be inspected more frequently (annually).
During a maintenance session, your service provider will look for and repair leaks while taking note of the sludge and scum layers.If the bottom of the layer is within six inches of the rear end of the bottom tee they will pump the tank to ensure safety standards are met.
How frequently a tank must be pumped will depend on different factors, such as the number of people in the house, the volume of solids in the wastewater, septic tank size, and the amount of wastewater generated.
Avoid Flushing Solid Materials down Your Toilets, Drains, and Sinks
Never flush feminine hygiene products, condoms, diapers, cotton swabs, cigarette butts, cat litter, paper towels, dental floss, or kitchen and bathroom items down your drain. These items can clog and potentially damage components of your septic system.
You must also never flush gasoline, oil, household chemicals, antifreeze, paint, and pesticides down your drain as they can contaminate groundwater and disturb the biological treatment process taking place inside the tank.
Care for Your Drain Field
Your system’s drain field is one of its most critical components. Here are some tips to maintain your drain field:
- Never park or drive vehicles over your septic tank or any other part of your system.
- To prevent flooding, keep basement sump pump drains and roof drains away from your drain field.
- Avoid planting trees or shrubs over or near your septic system as their roots may clog and eventually damage the drain field.
Is your malfunctioning septic system giving you sleepless nights? Let experts at Just-in-Time Septic Pumping Services help. We know a thing or two about septic systems. Irrespective of the type of septic system you have or the nature and extent of your septic system nightmare, we will have a solution for you. To discuss your project, call us at (707) 824-2837.