From Installation to Pumping: The Complete Lifecycle of Your Septic System

May 03, 2023
person servicing septic tank

When it comes to managing your home’s wastewater, septic tank pumping is an essential service that should not be overlooked. Homeowners rely on septic tank pumping to ensure their systems operate efficiently and effectively. A well-maintained septic system not only promotes a healthy environment for your family, but it also helps to prevent costly repairs …

How to Prepare Your Septic System for Summer

July 14, 2022
Our owner, Justin, cleaning out a septic system tank

Swimming pools, vacations, and barbecues: what do they all have in common? They’re all summer-time staples. While these are enjoyable parts of summer, they tend to put extra strain on your septic system. Even if you don’t use your backyard for swimming or grilling, the hot summer weather will affect your system. Therefore, it’s important …

What’s the Difference Between Sewerage & Sewage?

February 15, 2022

Many homeowners find it hard to differentiate between sewerage and sewer. They wrongly believe that sewage is the shortened version of sewerage. Some think that sewerage is a misspelling of the word. None of these beliefs are true. Sewerage vs Sewage Sewage is the waste produced by homes carried off by sewers. Sewerage refers to …

Everything You Need to Know About Hydro Jetting

December 08, 2021
Hydro Jetting Service in Santa Rosa

Drain clogs and slow drains are frustrating. Clogged drains can lead to sewer backups and contaminate your water, causing serious waterborne illnesses. Sewage backups can lead to serious, even irreversible structural damage. One of the most common causes of these problems is blocked pipes. Regularly cleaning pipes to get rid of debris, dirt, and dust …

How Frequently Should You Pump and Clean Your Septic Tank?

November 12, 2021
Septic Service Near Sebastopol

Your septic tank’s job is to hold the wastewater from your septic system while allowing solids to settle down to the bottom of the tank. Septic tanks should be periodically pumped to ensure that they’re functioning optimally. Sewage is a breeding ground for disease causing germs. Periodic septic tank pumping prevents the buildup of parasites, …

Just-In Time Septic Pumping Services Proudly Serves Sonoma County

January 24, 2020
Septic Pumping Santa Rosa

Just-In Time Septic Pumping Services, a professional plumbing, HVAC and septic service company based in Sebastopol, California, is proud to announce that our highly rated services are available throughout Sonoma County. “Our mission is to offer our customers a professional and reliable installation and repair service,” says Just-In-Time’s President Justin Cicairos, “and we are proud …

How to Pick the Best Septic Pumping Company Near Me  

January 23, 2020
Septic Service Near Me

Septic tanks need to be maintained quite often. This means if you cannot remember the last time you had yours cleaned or pumped, then it is probably time to look for a septic tank pumping company to come and pump it out. With many septic service companies in your area, it can be a little …

How Often Do I Need to Pump My Septic?

January 23, 2020
Justin standing in front of a Just-in Time Septic pump truck

If you have a septic tank in your home, then one of the important things you should know is when to hire a pumping service. Septic tanks hold a set amount of waste and, when full, can therefore become a health hazard because they can leak and emit foul odors. Knowing when to get your …